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Win4145 PC Control Software for the HP4145
Metrics Win4145

Win4145 is PC-based control software for the HP4145 Semiconductor Parameter Analyzer.
Win4145 provides GPIB-bus control allowing the creation, execution, and analysis of the data.
The addition of Win4145 provides enhanced automation of the HP 4145A or 4145B.


| Win4145 Point, Click, and Measure Capabilities

• Controls your HP4145A/B with one easy-to-use graphical interface.
• Provides programming-free test setup generation.
• Supports measurement sequences.

| Win4145 Plotting and Data Analysis

• Provides powerful plotting capabilities.
• Uses Windows clipboard flexibility to incorporate plots into documents and presentations.

| Win4145 Equation Editor

• Extracts parameters according to user definition.

| Win4145 Data management

• Uses project files as a central location to store test setups and data.
• Provides a hierarchical database engine that organizes and manges your data.
• Includes ASCII export of data.

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